No, I will not lower my rate!

“That’s a bit pricey for me. Do you offer discounted rates?” Try asking that question to your phone provider, grocer, or dentist, and let me know when the answer is yes. We’ve all received variations of that question, sometimes with an explanation of why they’re asking for or worse, deserve, a lower price. The most entertaining comes from those with an upcoming birthday, college students, and the self-entitled. While I love the bonus income, I’m not exactly hurting for more clients, and neither are any escorts with whom I’ve had similar conversations. If you wouldn’t ask this question of other service industry providers, why do you think sex workers are any different?

Every escort has a stated hourly, overnight, and weekend rate that is publicly visible and advertised on their page. When we’re met with surprise to confirm and asked to lower our price, we roll our eyes and prepare for your life story. Here’s the thing: no one cares. You’re wasting time trying to convince us of something we won’t do, so hang up and try another escort who fits your budget. There are plenty of working fish in this seas of whores.

There are, however, rare exceptions in which an escort’s rate is negotiable. The few instances I’ve considered a discounted rate include when another escort and I are hired together by a regular client, an hourly date that exceeded an overnight right, and certain weekend trips. I am otherwise firm with my advertised prices and don’t plan to have a blowout sale anytime soon.

I am by no means dissuading the conversation from being brought up, because we certainly keep the options open for regular clients. But I suggest you avoid bartering or bargaining upon your first contact with an escort because we’ve heard every excuse. You’re not the only one trying to pay your rent.

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