It seems an increasing number of people are becoming open to hooking. I am very honest about my sextra-curricular activities which invites questions, many of which are about getting started as an escort. One message from an admirer reads:
As a recent college graduate in Manhattan who is in dire need for money and has been considering such things as getting in the Rentboy circuit, what advice can you offer? These downtown apartments are too damn expensive!
Escorting is a great way to get paid while exploring your sexuality and preferences. There are different ways to put your services out there from back page ads to a plethora of online websites that host escort pages. Please allow me to direct you to the leading social network website for escorts and masseurs: The website receives traffic from across the world and is the most well-known platform from which potential clients can hire their fantasy by the hour. The fee to have your advertisement placed is nothing compared to the attention your profile will receive and the clients you will meet.

But before you create an advertisement on, there are a few things you should ask yourself.
As much as I advocate for sex work and the porn industry, the general public isn’t too keen on or understanding of the work we do, so ask yourself if you’re ready to have your name and face associated with it. You can be completely discreet about your business, but someone you know is bound to come across your profile – and word travels fast. Are you prepared to deal with the potential consequences and social stigma that comes from being a Rentboy?
While I know several escorts who have been hooking for years, it’s important to recognize your short- and long-term goals in this industry and come up with an exit plan. This isn’t exactly a profession that offers job security, so what happens when the calls and emails begin to slow down and come to a screeching halt? We all have an expiration date, but it’s your call when to throw in the towel and hang up your hooker hat.
Many have fallen prey to the instant wealth syndrome, so I remind new escorts to manager their money with care. It’s easy to overspend with the sudden increase to your income, but planning ahead and putting some of it away will benefit you in the end. You don’t want to live from client to client, waiting for the phone to ring just so you can have cash in your pocket. Escorting should be supplemental and not your primary source of income.
This is not the time to be moest. Everyone loves a dashing smile, so upload your best photos to ensure you stand out from the crowd. Looking through other Rentboy ads will give you an idea of the type of content others are posting, and you can tailor your own advertisement to reflect what you have to offer. Just like you would on a dating profile, including clear and recent face and body pictures will get you more attention and increase the chances of getting hired.
Daddy’s Reviews is the Yelp of escorting. Clients can and will write testimonials about you if you were an awful mess, so put your best foot forward. A good attitude and friendly demeanor go a long way and will get you hired again, if not recommended to others. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people don’t do their jobs properly: rude and inattentive waitstaff will not only lose their tip but also receive several complaints. The same goes for escorting. You were hired to be a companion for a time, so play nicely, stop watching the clock, and give your John the attention they purchased.
I hope these tips help you get your business off the ground. If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Happy hooking!